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Welcome to my blog. Here are my most recent blog posts:
  • Roy Lee Wells

    September 5, 2013

    Great Uncle Roy

    I learned on Tuesday evening that my Great Uncle Roy Lee Wells had passed away.

    I feel very fortunate that I was able to spend time with him in Baltimore in July. He had travelled from California to Baltimore, MD to pay a visit to his twin brother's grave in Arlington National Cemetary. His brother Coy is my grandfather. Along with other family, I was able to journey from Georgia to Maryland and visit with Roy for a couple brief days.

    I have only met Roy on one other occasion in my memory: at my Aunt Mary Jane's wedding. It is likely we met when I was a toddler or child, but I have no such memories.

  • First Post!

    August 26, 2012

    First Post!

    I'mmm heeeerrrrreeeee!

    Finally, I've opened the floodgates and started a technical blog for my own personal pursuits. I've talked about doing so for quite some time, but needed to find a great place to compliment my pursuites.

    I think Telegram covers about 80% of the functionality I really want.

    Over time, maybe I can take DPP's recommendation to use StackMob to build in the editing functionality. Combine that with some fancy javascript and such and it could be a rather nice mashup style site.

    I'll detail such thoughts more thouroughly at a later time.